Drawing on the rich musical heritage of Caldwell County and the surrounding area, the James C. Harper School of Performing Arts provides high quality musical and performing arts instruction that fosters the creative instincts of its students. Through individual and group classes, rehearsals, recitals, concerts and workshops, the school offers a nurturing environment for students of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and financial circumstances.
Enroll in the Experience
The Harper School offers “On Going Enrollment” for individual lessons. You can enroll at the Harper School any time of year. We offer lessons in voice, all musical instruments and dance. For more information and to enroll in lessons, call us or view the other pages of The Harper School site.
The Harper School offers year round private lessons and group classes for children and adults of all ages. We welcome you to start your private lessons at any time of year or month so there is no need to wait to get started. We offer 30 minute, 45 minute and 60 minute private lessons and we teach students from beginners to very advanced. Enroll online, download an enrollment form or call us for pricing… monthly payments are available.
For additional information and to register for classes at the Harper School, contact us at 828-754-2297 or karenburton@theharperschool.org.
Online Enrollment
Printable Enrollment Form
We are extremely happy to announce that Scott Mazzola, founder of lessons.com, has notified the Harper School letting us know we were named BEST of lessons.com!
Chapman Instrument Repair provides quality woodwind and brass instrument repairs with a foundation of over three decades of experience and expertise. From a simple pad replacement to a complete mechanical overhaul, Chapman Instrument Repair is committed to excellence in making sure your musical instruments perform to the maximum capacity possible. Chapman Instrument Repair has partnered with The Harper School, 1113 College Ave., SW, Lenoir, NC, to be a local authorized drop-off/pick-up location for instrument repairs. Learn more at www.ChapmanInstrumentRepair.com, on Facebook, or call Greg Chapman at 828.234.1714.
Steadman Guitar Set-up and String Instrument Repair provides guitar maintenance, set-up, and all string instrument repairs. Instruments may be dropped off / picked up at The Harper School, 1113 College Ave. SW, Lenoir NC 28645. We will also be carrying a small stock of strings, instrument cables, and picks. I know most of you prepare in advanced so think of this as a "Guitar ER" if you will in emergency situations, short notice gigs etc. For more information and pricing visit my Facebook page Steadman Guitar Set-up and Repair.
Upcoming Events
LHS Auditorium
LHS Auditorium
Please see the Detailed Calendar for all Upcoming Events
Visit Blue Ridge Winds March 20th Concert to view the Concert Program.
Give the Gift of Music
Please make your contribution and support the wonderful magic that happens at the Harper School through music, music-related activities, and dance.
Links of Interest
Learn more about this ensemble. Join us!
Learn more about this ensemble. Join us!
Harper School Student Accepted
to Western Carolina University School of Music
School Booklet
Online Enrollment
Printable Enrollment Form
Scholarship Program
Hickory Daily Record Article
Scholarship Cover Letter
Online Scholarship Application
Printable Scholarship Application